Clever Little Bees provides a range of hands-on apiculture courses for school children and adults in various locations throughout Christchurch. I offer an introduction to beekeeping and information about caring for bees in a safe and supportive learning environment.
If you would like further information or would like to enrol in a course, please contact me!
Clever Little Bees offers day and evening courses for adults and primary school children during the school term. I also run school holiday programmes at Phillipstown Community Hub and Seven Oaks School.
in - class lessons
Clever Little Bees offers personalised lessons to schools to support learning as per the New Zealand Science Curriculum.
Climate Action Campus
At the Climate Action Campus, students learn about environmentally-friendly practices to keep bees, as well as about the important role that bees play within our society.
It is the goal of Clever Little Bees to provide hives to schools so that as many students as possible may have the opportunity to learn about the role that honeybees play in our food chain. By supporting a school, you support a community of young learners, as well as the bees.